Monday, November 17, 2008

Carry On, Schmarry On

Traditionally I check my bag. This past weekend when I took a quick trip to Newark, I decided to carry on to save the $15 from US Airways. Lo and behold, I managed to fit it all in (surprisingly) and even eliminate the liquids as I was going to my sister's house so I could borrow everything.

The problem? Well, with everyone else having the same idea, by the time I boarded, every overhead compartment was full all the way to the front of the plane. Seemed a bit unfair since I was in row 12, so the back of the plane people had used our compartments on their way by. I did the math, each overhead accommodated 2 rows of 3 seats, but only fits 3 carry-ons, thus if over 50% of people carry-on, your bag won't fit. Hmmmph! It made me want to "cheat" and get on before I was called to get my fair space. I hope they come up with a better solution!

Sorry for the soap box! I feel better now.

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