Friday, March 18, 2011

Time with a Treasured Friend

Having moved to Florida 23 years ago from my home state of New York, I am always thrilled when an old friend or family member comes to vacation in Florida. Recently, my college sorority sister, Marla, and her lovely daughter Livia (who I had only seen on Facebook), and I rendezvoused at Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park in Naples.

The beach was beautiful and the skies were sunny and bright blue. We sat for hours, talking and reconnecting while Liv played in the Gulf and collected shell after shell. I came to learn that Marla’s parents (Massachusetts snowbirds) are regulars to this state park. In fact, her dad had a camera the size of a beach ball!

While we spent the day catching up, her parents were up the way at Wiggins Pass, photographing the birds, wildlife and fisherman. His images can be seen on his Flickr site,

I cherish the time I spent with my friend, and the fact that Florida has so many treasured parks to share with the world.

Footnote: I am a Board Member of Friends of Florida State Parks, a non profit citizen support organization formed to support the state park system in Florida. To share your own state park story and show your support for Florida State Parks, go to and share!

1 comment:

Yvonne Kirby said...

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