The place? Pink Shell Resort on Fort Myers Beach, about 20 miles from home. The weekend we chose? Gene's birthday and Taryn's prom. The plan? Friday night at Hooter's on the beach with our "gang" and Saturday poolside for prom tanning. It was a fabulous escape weekend. Because it was so close to home, friends came and went throughout the weekend (except Chris and Mike, who came and never went ; ). We enjoyed the beautiful room with gorgeous views of the water - even saw a few weddings on the beach. In fact, Chris and I even crashed a wedding at the hotel (travel tip: always pack a little cocktail dress in case there's a wedding at your hotel)!
We took walks on the beach, lounged by the pool, even went for $1 Bloody Mary's at "church" on Sunday. The resort was an incredible setting for prom pictures, and the adults all had a casual dinner after the kids departed for prom. I'll tell you, as a travel marketer, I've been talking about "Staycations" or "Nearcations" on my company blog all year. Think about it... you chose your hometown for a reason. It may not be the beach, but if it has a quaint downtown, or a nearby park, or a riverfront district - consider a quick weekend away from the house but not far. It's affordable and will do wonders to give you a quick replenish!

You have a great blog. The pictures are beautiful and the thoughts are well written. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Henry!
Mare, that photo makes me smile everytime too. We sure do know how to have fun!
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