Two New Blogs
Just in case you don't catch the added links on my blog roll, there are 2 new blogs I wanted to share with you. The first, I recommend because it's penned by 3 brilliant tourism marketers and it's called: Inside The Bubble. Okay, confession... it's the blog of my ad agency Insight - and its authors are myself, my business partner Kimberly and our Sr. Art Director Paul. Between the three of us, we have been in this business for over 60 years (I was 12 when I started). And yes, it's brilliant, if I do say so myself. It's an insightful look into the brains of our agency - the thinking behind the creative work we produce.

The second blog, I make no claim to. But I still think it's awesome. I came across it on Facebook. Long story short, Justine Bateman (yes, Mallory) posted a link to Debi Mazar's twitter page. From there, I found this blog. It's a delightful food blog called Under The Tuscan Gun, written by Debi and her adorable Italian husband, Gabriele. They have really cute video episodes on it, where Debi stands by to assist and, when necessary, translate for Gabriele when he forgets how to say an ingredient in English. Love it! I just want to know how they can be so skinny!
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