The girls begged to stop at the first sign of a Gator store to pick up some souvenir t-shirts. My Dartmouth t-shirt from last summer’s trip (yes, you’ve all seen it many times) has become such a favorite of mine that I’ve decided to be a college T collector. After some very loose directions from a blonde passerby (who Gene pegged as a sorority girl – I disagreed), we got lost on 13th Street (also named MLK). With no sign of anything remotely resembling a sorority house, we turned back and found a more reliable collegiate. The Chi Omega house was closed for the summer, but it’s a large brick home with white decorative railings reminiscent of New Orleans. The Tri-Delta house was massive and stunning, and rumor has it it’s $5 grand per semester to live there. Whew!
We enjoyed an all-around great lunch at The Swamp, recommended by more than a few of Port Charlotte’s finest judges and lawyers. As Alyse told us, it’s a favorite game day hang out with its outdoor big screen tv for those without tickets. One important note, the restaurant and particularly the restrooms were surprisingly spotless. In fact, Gene commented on the cleanliness of the entire campus. Our orders ranged from a turkey swiss panini with spinach artichoke dressing (mine) to nachos, wings and burgers. Everyone was pleased, the portions were generous, and the bill was only $54 for 5 of us. I indulged in 2 pint drafts with the express intention of my first of many road trip naps! Mission accomplished.
Looks like a great start to the vaca! Love reading the posts as you go along - can't wait to hear how its going! And don't forget that culinary souvenir for Paul and me:) j/k
{Have fun and travel safe}
Thx. We're having our first Maine lobstas tonight! We ordered a 1.5 lb lobster for each of us from Jesse's - they're steaming it for us and having it ready at 6pm!!! We got organic lettuce, brocolli and sheep's brie today at the Farmer's market... and a crusty loaf of Italian bread from the bakery. YUMMY!
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